Monday, October 17, 2011

Tickets Home!

Today we booked our flights to come home. We'll be back on December 2nd. Soooooooooooo excited!

This is mom getting off the plane in La Serena. Our airport is the smallest airport I've ever been to in my life. It's a one plane at a time kind of place.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mom is Visiting!

My mom has come to visit us in La Serena for two weeks! I am DELIGHTED! We have been having a lot of fun just hanging out, seeing the community and region, etc. It took her four flights, two short bus rides, and a 20 minute walk to get to our apartment. Wow. She is amazing. But, we're renting a car this weekend to make things a bit easier than walking and using buses all the time. She deserves it : )